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Our cleaning style

Here For You

Our business was founded on two main principles - quality and service - and we pride ourselves on our commitment to these principles each day. We provide outstanding service to every customer, and are here to ensure that all of your discussed needs are met. We believe that maintaining your space is not just about cleaning the well used spaces, but the entire areas. Inside of the cabinets, under the furniture and items such as curtains, windows, fridges and even outside patio furniture . We do those jobs you just don't have time for. Our teams health is also as important as yours, which is why we don't use harsh chemicals such as oven cleaning sprays. Instead we do our best to clean items with products that are gentle for us and the spaces we maintain. 

If you have a space that needs a one time clean or a more scheduled approach, reach out and lets see if we can assist.


Clean Bathroom

We want all of our customers to experience the impressive level of professionalism when working with McFarland's Maintenance. All of our services, have been developed to help our busy community's life easier. We currently assist many individuals with mobility issues maintain their homes, contractors deliver new and inviting spaces to their customers. Businesses stay in tip top condition and our cottagers welcomed back with an inviting fresh space.

Country Style Bedroom

Whenever you work with McFarland's Maintenance, you can trust that you’re in great hands.

Want to learn more about our services? Get in touch with us today.

Our Cleaning Style: Services
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